Social Media Statistics

Statistics are useful when planning and understanding your market. Results 2Day have compiled a list of social media statistics that we hope you find interesting and helpful with your planning. We have broken them into Global Digital Marketing Facts & StatisticsAustralian Social Media Facts & StatisticsSocial Media Facts & Statistics to help you post and in this blog you’ll find specific Social Media Statistics, we have focused on the following platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram statistics.


Facebook Statistics & Facts

  • 968 million daily active users on average for June 2015 (Facebook)
  • 844 million mobile daily active users on average for June 2015 (Facebook)
  • Approximately 83.1% of our daily active users are outside the US and Canada (Facebook)
  • 49 billion monthly active users as of June 30, 2015 (Facebook)
  • 31 billion mobile monthly active users as of June 30, 2015 (Facebook)
  • There are nearly 1.4 billion Facebook users worldwide Jeff Bulla
  • 47% of all Internet users are on Facebook Jeff Bulla
  • Nearly 75% of Facebook’s revenue comes from mobile advertising Jeff Bulla
  • Direct uploads of user videos to Facebooknow exceed YouTube  Jeff Bulla
  • Facebook messenger has 700 million users (Forbes)
  • Organic reach for Facebook post is 2% (DMR)
  • Top industry for likes, shares and link clicks – Media and Entertainment (DMR)



LinkedIn Statistics

  • 380 million registered members (LinkedIn)
  • Professionals are signing up to join LinkedIn at a rate of more than two new members per second (LinkedIn)
  • 80% of social media B2B leads come from LinkedIn (source LinkedIn)
  • 50% of LinkedIn members report they are more likely to buy from
a company they engage with on LinkedIn (source LinkedIn)
  • 80 percent of LinkedIn members want to connect with companies (source LinkedIn)
  • 1 million professionals have now written a post on LinkedIn, as at July 9th, 2015 (LinkedIn)
  • There are over 39 million students and recent college graduates on LinkedIn. They are LinkedIn’s fastest-growing demographic (LinkedIn)
  • Revenue distribution: (LinkedIn)
    • 18% Premium subscriptions
    • 20% Marketing Solutions
    • 62% Talent Solutions


Twitter Statistics

  • Twitter has 316M active users per month (Twitter)
  • 500 million Tweets are sent per day (Twitter)
  • 77% of Twitter accounts are outside the U.S. (Twitter)
  • In 2014 number of people using Twitter has increased by more than 50 million in the past year. The network now has over 270 million active users (Lori R Taylor)
  • Katy Perry (60 million) and Justin Bieber (57 million) each have more Twitter followers than Barack Obama (50 million). Lady Gaga is 6th in the world with 43 million followers, ahead of Britney Spears at 39.5 million (Lori R Taylor)
  • The average Twitter user follows five or more businesses. Over a third (37%) of Twitter users will buy from a brand they follow. (Lori R Taylor)


Instagram Statistics

  • 300 million daily active users on average for June 2015 (Instagram)
  • 300 million mobile daily active users on average for June 2015 (Instagram)
  • 30 billion photos have been shared using Instagram (Instagram)
  • 5 billion likes are received each day (Instagram)
  • on average 70 million photos are posted each day (Instagram)
  • Approximately 70% of daily active users are outside the US (Instagram)
  • In 2014 Instagram grew 50% in 9 months and is now bigger than Twitter (Social Times)
  • Instagram gets 50x more engagement than Twitter (Social Times)



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